Book Review: Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend

Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend presents a strong case for biblical boundaries in our lives to establish healthy and productive lives. The book opens by describing a boundaryless life and what boundaries look like, including ten laws of boundaries. The second section describes boundary conflicts and the difficulties of establishing and maintaining them. It particularly addresses family, friends, spouse, children, work, technology, yourself, and God. The final section describes how to measure and maintain healthy boundaries.

The work often quotes and uses accounts from the Bible, establishing strong support for a biblical lifestyle with boundaries. The boundaries that we establish have to do with our own responsibilities as well as establishing responsibilities of others in our regard. The authors present extensive evidence for how to establish boundaries as well as the support and time necessary to achieve healthy ones.

Fresh Relationships

I found Boundaries to be a breath of fresh air in developing healthy relationships and healthy lives. The book was easily relatable and full of the authors’ experiences with those they have counselled. For those who have had little guidance in developing boundaries in life to those who have decently established boundaries, this book makes it easy to see where we need to address issues and form healthy attachments.

The book also presents a number of examples that help identify the red flags of weakness in our boundaries as well as providing the tools to address relationship issues. It is also full of wisdom and truths that are little gems tucked into the rest of the text and examples. There is also an excellent section on forgiveness and healing in relationships.

5/5 Stars

This book would make my recommendation list for all Christians, and for most church curriculum as well. It helps empower us as Christians and helps us have healthy relationships with fellow Christians.


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