He is Able

I know that I have been negligent in not addressing this earlier in the month. I guess I have made the assumption that you have prayed for healing, maybe even for God to raise the dead to life. Our God is able – He is more than able to heal us and our loved ones. But I think you are likely here, visiting the blog because that hasn’t happened. Yet. But today, I think we do need the reminder, the encouragement, the assurance that God is able. Let this be uplifting for you and not another reason to ask, ‘why not me?’.

Uplifting love

Let this be uplifting, a reminder that our God is awesome and powerful and loves you more than you can imagine. He uses everything in our lives, and as Pat Barrett sings, ‘if it’s not beautiful, the You’re not done with me.’ He uses all of these inconveniences and difficulties and trials and tribulations to call us to Him, to build us up, to make us a witness to Him and His live.

Our God is able: He raises from the dead, He gives children to the infertile, He heals the crippled and lame, He restores sight, He cures leprosy, He heals the sick.

God heals

God heals in the Old Testament. He heals in the New Testament. He heals through prophets, he heals through Jesus, he heals through the apostles. He heals. He heals by speaking. He heals by touch. He heals prophetically, He heals those who know His power.

The prophets and apostles were just like you and me. We too can touch or speak healing into people through the power of the Holy Spirit. ‘But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light,’ (1 Peter 2:9). We are His special possession. He wants nothing more than to love on us and give us our heart’s desire. He is able to heal us, in and through one another, through crying out to Him.

Waiting in His presence

It is in the waiting, waiting for healing, the wondering if it will come, that we must dig into the Word. It is the word that reveals to us that the body we are in now is made for His glory, and we can continue to glorify Him in our suffering and in our waiting. His word reveals to us and reminds us of the love of God which wraps around us in our suffering. His light fills us, His purpose fills us, and we focus on Him and not our pain. We take the opportunity to study his healing miracles in the Bible. We see how God works in and through these jars of clay to make us whole.

His character is revealed in reading the Word, but our reliance on Him, our faith in Him, our hope in Him is deepened through prayer. We sense His presence when we seek His presence. In prayer we get vulnerable and open with Him about our pain, our desires. He touches us, changes us, makes us more like Jesus. Prayer conversations develop the intimacy we need to hope and grow in Him. He meets our needs. Whether sending a balm to soothe our pain or sending the healing, He meets our needs.

His glorious power

The Lord of Creation, the God of salvation has demonstrated His glorious power over and over. In the natural world, in saving grace, in resurrecting His son, we see and know His eternal power. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18a says, ‘Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen.’ Let us fix our eyes on Him, in the Word and in prayer while we wait for His healing touch.

We’ve put together a selection of verses on healing and prayer as well as five simple actions we can take while waiting for healing which is available for download. Click the button below to download the document, or if you are subscribed to the blog, you can download from the free resources page using the password sent in the weekly email.

Download He is Able

A selection of verses on healing and prayer, plus five actions while waiting for healing. Access to the download has been moved to the free resources pages available to subscribers. Join us below.

Our God is able

Biblical Meditation


The Gift in Grieving