Prophecy Fulfilled - Mark Chapters 13-16

Day 20 – Old Testament Link Mark Chapters 13-16

Promise: You know with all your heart and soul that not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed. – Joshua 23:14

This statement in Joshua may be difficult to swallow; it challenges us to believe that all of God’s promises have been fulfilled. Consider some of the promises that God has made yet you feel they have not been fulfilled. What can you claim instead of this doubt? Write out the truth of God in each of the circumstances you have listed.

Take a moment to summarize Mark chapters 13-16 in just a few words

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Read Isaiah 53.

Consider the chapter from Mark 13-16 (or, if time allows, the verse) that each of the following in Isaiah 53 refer to.

Verse 1: who has not seen or believed the power of God?

Verse 3: he was despised

Verses 4-5: punished, pierced for our transgressions

Verse 6: gone astray

Verse 7: he was silent

Verses 8-10: cut off from the land of the living and assigned a grave with the rich,

Verses 11-12: he will see the light of life and will have a portion among the great

The Isaiah 53 passage is known as the ‘Suffering Servant’ prophecy. Prophecies foresee the future, and biblical prophecies also reveal God, his requirements, and his plans. What did Isaiah 53 reveal about who God is and about his plan?

How does seeing Old Testament Prophecy assist our view of prophecies yet unfulfilled?

In Chapter 13, Jesus prophesies of his return. Though no one knows when his return will be, he tells us that it will be visible and there will be signs. How does the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies assist our faith?

Application: The verse above from Joshua says every promise has been fulfilled. How does that make you feel when considering the fulfillment of Jesus’ return? How does it drive your actions and thoughts?

How has the study challenged your definition of what a master is and how one behaves? How about a servant?

What of your Christian walk has been encouraged during the study? What do you know better now in your heart and mind? What do you want to know better now?

Isaiah 53-12 he bore the sins of many and made intercession for the sinners

Alive Again Coming Soon!


Victory Over Death - Mark Chapter 16