Session 5: Matthew 8-10

Session Five: Matthew 8-10


Discuss together or share on some of the topics that Matthew 8-10 address:

What does honoring father and mother look like? How is that lived out? Consider your own parents as well as the younger generation.

Many Christians fast, or give something up, at Lenten time or in especially difficult personal times. Share your experience with any fasting and how it impacted your walk with the Lord.

Read Chapters 8-10.

Reading Questions

1.       In verse 8:4, Jesus says to the healed leper not to tell anyone of the healing. Why might Jesus have wanted no one to know of it?

2.       In verses 8:10-12, Jesus praises the faith of the centurion. What does He see in the man to cause this praise?

3.       In verses 8:18-22, Jesus does not seem to welcome those who approach him, desiring to be followers. In these two statements what does Jesus broadly say his followers must do?

4.       In the calming of the storm, the disciples exclaim ‘save us!’ and then marvel at Jesus’s power. How does this show their understanding of Jesus’s earthly and divine natures?

5.       Jesus also praises the faith of the woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years, verses 9:20-22. How is this similar or different from the centurion?

6.       Verses 9:35 to 10:42 are first a request for workers, then the instructions to some workers.

a.       Who is the audience of the disciples sent out?

b.       What preparation are they given?

c.       What are they warned of?

d.       What encouragement is given to them?

Old Testament Links

1.       Compare Psalm 107: 23-32 to the account in Chapter 8:23-27. How are the accounts parallel, and where do they differ? How is Jesus’s admonishment understood in light of this psalm?

2.       Fasting is found in numerous books of the Old Testament. What are the reasons for people’s fasting on these occasions? (For examples, see Deuteronomy 9:9-11, 2 Samuel 1:11-12, Nehemiah 9:1-3, Esther 4:11-16) Why would these reasons for fasting be inappropriate ‘with the bridegroom’?


1.       Jesus demonstrates some of the authority He has been given in these chapters. Over what is this authority? Have you sought His authority over your circumstances in these areas?

2.       Verses 8:21-22 seem to contradict the commandment to honor our father and mother (Exodus 20:12). How can this be reconciled?

3.       As a sick person, is it better to know your sins are forgiven and remain ill, or is it better to be healed? (Verses 9:1-8)

4.       Consider again the warnings and encouragement given to the disciples in chapter 10. Share experiences or examples of what you may have read of how these have helped you or other believers. Which of the encouragements is most relevant to you today?

be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves matt10-16b

Promises of God in Matthew 1-10


Session 4: Matthew 6-7