Taste and see the Lord is Good, Trust Him

Taste and see… I recently read this verse (Psalm 34:8) and finally understood that this verse was encouragement to try with God. To try trusting him, to try talking to him, to just step out in faith and let go. Isn’t that what trust is… letting go and letting someone else? In this case, letting God – and in my mind that is a no-risk adventure. It doesn’t mean that I will not be disappointed or frustrated; in fact, I likely will be both disappointed and frustrated. Because God does things with the long goal and broad forest-picture in mind, and I usually have the here and now or the trees and not the forest in mind.

Letting go and trusting him means that I have to be okay with waiting and with not always getting what I want – because I’m getting what He thinks is best. It is not an easy thing, but I more than willing to taste and see. I want to try and find out.

This verse also tied in nicely to Lisanotes word of the year challenge for this month: A sensory challenge to see it, hear it, and touch it.

Taste it.

I’m not sure how I can taste trust, except in the ‘try it out’ sense. How am I trying out trust? Well, I’ve put my new Alive Again Bible Study out there and my own small group is working through it. I’m trusting God that I heard well and wrote his will for this study. The small group participants have been very supportive, and it is easy to see how good God is in trusting him for this endeavor. Of course, I keep telling myself, if he gave it to me, I have to trust that he will carry it through!

See it.

I’ve already shared how I chose a verse for the year based on trust… then promptly forgot it! I know – I know! So, ‘see it’ is quite literal! I’ve written my verse on a small card and posted it in my work area. I’ve also created some phone wallpapers for myself and thought I’d share them with you.

Now I have reminders daily of how good it is to trust in God.

Hear it.

Hearing trust was a bit easier as immediately the Lauren Daigle song ‘Trust In You’ came to mind. The verses really focus on the struggle of trusting and the chorus focuses on trusting God in any circumstance. Daigle wrote the song following the death of her grandfather, with whom she had a close relationship. The lyrics say, ‘Truth is, You know what tomorrow brings / There’s not a day ahead You have not seen’. That seems to be the foundation of my trust in God – I know that he has already been there, already seen what’s happening in my life and he is still here, by my side. I’m sharing the video here for you and hope you too will enjoy it.

Touch it.

Trust is the intangible that is the foundation of our relationships. The trustworthiness of God is the foundation of my relationship with him. I know that I can stand on his word, on his promises, on his name without any doubt – in full trust. So, I have begun to associate ‘making a stand’ motions with trust.

I like the thought of associating motions with an intangible. For those of us who are kinesthetic learners, it is a great way to reinforce the concepts that we are trying to incorporate into our lives. Tying an action and a Bible concept should also help me remember my word of the year when I ‘make a stand’ on His firm foundation.

How have you tasted and seen that the Lord is good? Share with us below

Grab a phone wallpaper if you’d like!


Walking in the Spirit


Why and How to Do a Topical Bible Study