Thanks to Present

Thanks to present, my Word of the Year 2023.

Thank you for pushing me to think of today and not the what ifs and whens of tomorrow and not the if onlys of yesterday.

Thank you for reminding me of the never ending stream of presents from God

Thank you for the focus on now and not the list of things to be done

Thank you for the opportunity to see today as a gift to enjoy, making me consider my attitude when things go wrong or not as expected. Thanks because finding joy now beats the anger and disappointment of falling short of my expectations, my focus on me and my wants.

Thank you for the pause that present has offered - the pause to see the changes and accomplishments wrought, before plowing into the next moment.

This Word of the Year, Present, has made it that much easier to have a lifestyle of gratitude. I have found that my general attitude is not one of hurry or the next thing but one of living this moment. Embracing the present in His presence.

What are you thankful for? Share below!

Proverbs 16:9

Advent Readings 2023


Book Review: The Death of Omnipotence and the Birth of Amipotence by Thomas Jay Oord