Simply Extravagant Generosity

Growing up in America, there was always an idea that was presented, called ‘The American Dream.’ As a youth, it seemed the ‘dream’ was a white picket fence around the house and 2.2 kids and a car in the garage. But at some point, it seems to have become the idea of ‘keeping up the with Joneses’ and outdoing our neighbor. Everything pointed to doing better than past generations, doing better than others. Doing better than. But the doing better is focused on material wealth.

Go after God

In 1 Timothy 6, we are told to leave behind the pursuit of wealth and instead to pursue God. And we are not to stop there at our own limits, but at his: to pursue doing good, helping others and being extravagantly generous. ‘Tell those rich in this world’s wealth to quit being so full of themselves and so obsessed with money, which is here today and gone tomorrow. Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage—to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they’ll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life. (1 Tim 6:17-19 The Message)

Extravagantly generous

What does that look like? I think it looks like supporting those who are weaker than we are. Those who are alone, those who are hurting. It looks like reaching out, being the person we wish others would be toward us. In this day and age of immediate contact we don’t seem to make many connections. That is what I think generosity is: a personal touch, a listening ear and a holding hand. We don’t have to have answers or money to be generous. We just have be present.

Generosity of the rest comes easily after this. Generosity of time, talent, gifts (and cash). He generously gave his life so that we might live. He gave his money to others to manage. We can give generously to others too. Being present is only the beginning.

What does extravagant generosity look like to you? When was the last time you received such generosity?

leave behind the pursuit of wealth and instead pursue God

Love One Another, John 15:12-13


Simplicity Takes Effort