Why Christ Came: to bring division

He came to bring division

Why did Jesus come?

During this season we wish ‘Peace on Earth and Goodwill to Men!’ But that comes from Christmas Bells, by a dear poet named Longfellow rather than the Bible. Perhaps you have heard of Mr. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Christmas Bells tells a story similar to that of our Christ when he says that he has come to bring not peace, but division (Luke 12:51): we seek peace but find that our differences lead always to cannons and swords. Longfellow wrote of the American Civil War dividing families and causing strife. Today we lean toward words and social media to tell the world of our displeasure, but there are still wars waged by those who disagree with Christ’s Good News. You see, we are either for Christ or against him. There is no lukewarm or in-between; it is the clear sides and the lines drawn in the sand that cause the divisions. As we draw ever nearer to Him, we draw ever farther from those who do not know Him. The old adage Know God – Know Peace; No God – No Peace stands true. The peace we have between us as believers and the knitting together of us in Christ’s love is in contrast to the dissention, depression and despair around us. That he came to bring division sends me to my knees, beseeching that this celebration of Christmas may be when those divided from us will turn from Satan and be reconciled to Him.

He came to bring division; that’s why Christ came.


Why Christ Came: to set the oppressed free


Why Christ Came: for judgement