Anxiety is a Spiritual Battle

It wasn’t easy understanding what topic to address this month. Peace is such a multi-varied thing that is easily altered by so many things. However, God has been good to me in setting me into several conversations that seem to make it clear what the next topic should be. At the end of February, it was no different, with recurring conversations about things that are related to the anxiety, fear and worry. But really, what I feel like we have to begin with today is more a reassurance.

Reassurance of Love

He knows all our hidden thoughts and fears (Ps 139:1-2) and loves us still. God loves us completely and unreservedly. He sent His son to reconcile us to him (John 3:16-17) so that we can walk with Him, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He created us (Is 64:8), molded us from the earth and are the apple of his eye. He longs to be with us and accepts us just as we are.

The fear that we cannot do it all just makes him smile and say, ‘let me.’ (2 Cor 9:8)

The fear that we will be judged wanting and be cast out from among our friends, acquaintances, and neighbors, makes him smile and say, ‘I don’t mind, I love you still.’ (Romans 5:8)

The fear that we will be abused or fall sick or hurt, makes him say, ‘I will be with you always and bear your burdens with you.’ (Matt 11:28)

You see, he is still here with open arms, encouraging us to lay it all at His feet (1 Peter 5:7). He will carry the burden with us, and in many cases, he can wipe the fear away completely. He loves us, as a good Father and a good Shepherd do, caring for all our needs, knowing what is best for us - even better than we do. He loves us, it is that simple for him.


I feel like most of our anxieties have to do with how our mind handles threats to our wellbeing. The threats are such that we fear pain, discomfort, rejection, embarrassment, loneliness or other uncomfortable feelings and responses by others. You may say these thoughts of ours are of little consequence, a small worry or just a little concern. But I won’t beat us all up (yes, I am in this boat too) with the command in Matthew 6:25 ‘do not worry.’ We all know it and struggle with worry, or whatever we want to call it.

Battle of Spirit against Flesh and Darkness

What we really seem to have here is a battle between the flesh and the Spirit. But I don’t think it stops there; it is also the battle with the spiritual forces of darkness in the heavenly places. We require the Spirit of God to lead us through these fights. We need the Spirit of Truth to actively fight the enemies of flesh and spirits. The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, is the offensive and defensive weapon of choice for this battle.  

Fight alongside the Holy Spirit

I listed the references above to demonstrate that the answers we seek are in the Word. We will find all that we need to defeat the flesh and spirits of the world is His Word, living and moving that it is. His word will secure us to stand firm against fear, anxiety, worry and concern, which all fall away in the face of His love. God is love, and His love, perfect love, drives out all fear. The fear of punishment, pain, torment, and penalties of this world melt in his presence.

Join us as we defeat anxiety this month on

defeat the flesh and spirits of this world with HIS word

Stop the Worry Stream: Confess


Persevering in Broken Relationships