Session 1: Luke Chapters 1-2 The Light Has Come (Part 1)

Session 1: Luke Chapters 1-2 The Light Has Come (Part 1)


Consider introductions. How do you introduce yourself? Do you include your connections, like your spouse or children? Do you include your background and experience? How does your introduction vary according to circumstances? What weight do you put on the words people use to introduce themselves?

What does ‘great’ mean? Give examples of great things and people through history and in your own time.

We start at the beginning in Luke’s account of Jesus’ life. We start before conception. We pick up where the Old Testament left off. There is a promise in the last verses of the Old Testament, in the book of Malachi, that repeats in the angel’s declaration to Zechariah. The promise of hope, the promise of God again speaking to his people and turning their hearts to him. Is that not our great hope: that our hearts are his?

Read Luke chapters 1-2.


The angel Gabriel announces the birth of two babies in the first chapter. Why does each birth seem incredible?

What instructions and information does the angel give about John (1:13-17)? About Jesus (1:31-33, 35-37)?

The angel’s response shows that Zechariah and Mary have different reactions. What exactly did Zechariah ask the angel in Luke 1:18? How is this different from Mary’s question in 1:34?

How was Jesus welcomed into the world? Who welcomed him? Trace the journey of the shepherds after the angels praised God (2:15-20).

Describe the two people who meet Jesus in the temple at the time of his presentation.


Session 1: Luke Chapters 1-2 The Light Has Come (Part 2)


The Son Reveals the Father through his Heart for the People - Luke Intro