4 Types of Online Bible Study

Community Bible study can be a valuable way to grow closer to God and develop or deepen relationships with those in our community. When I say ‘community’, that may be your local church or it may be a group of friends who live in your area. Sometimes this works wonderfully in person. Other times the geographic (or time-in-traffic) distances don’t allow for face-to-face groups.

4 Types of Online Bible Studies

Online Bible studies have been around for a while and are perhaps more common now than even five years ago. It seems to me there are a few different types that I have run across.

Book Launch and Facebook Group

I have seen several publishers accompany a new Bible study book launch with a Facebook (FB) Group discussion. The FB group usually has a guided question or two through the week as the participants study on their own. These are mostly self-led with an outline of the weeks’ assignments then a question or thought-provoking post later in the week. Some publishers also include study videos in the group. These groups usually close at the of the book study.

I have seen that these are quite effective at getting participation. However, I see a lack of administration or organizational involvement and interaction with one another. There is also rarely interaction with the author, beyond accompanying study videos. For example, I’ve seen ladies ask if there are others in the group who are in C location, say Chicago, and if they would like to meet to do the study. With the number of people, it is hard to get a group together to do this.

Online Study Courses

There are also online study courses that are offered for Christians. These tend to be self-directed and individual with little or no interaction with others taking the course. These also seem to be paid courses. Granted, we spend money for the book or books in the first option, so this may equal out in the end. These are content specific, for example about a Bible topic or book are the basis of the study.

These can be great for people who are keen to get in and study the Word without distractions and are easily self-motivated.

Online Small Group

This type of study is where folk meet in an online video forum. There are usually daily assignments that the group does and meets once a week to discuss. Lessons are coordinated with direct instruction via video. This seems to be an online version of the traditional study with some administration or coordination for the content.

Membership Study Groups

I am aware of at least two membership study groups, so there are bound to be more. These have a monthly fee with a range of services or studies offered in exchange. It can be everyone studying the same material, with input and guidance from the leaders. It may also be a variety of topics and studies available to begin at will. These usually include some kind of video, and they have a chat forum as well. There is usually a live component as well.

What is good about online Bible study

Open access. Online Bible study is open to anyone, anywhere.

Timing. They can usually be done when you want, on your timetable.


What’s not so great about online studies?

Accountability. Accountability can be weak since the group can get rather large.

Price. Some are costly.

Impersonal. It’s a challenge to develop community.

Short. They tend to cut off after a single study.


InspiritEncourage has just opened an online Bible study. The idea is to design it as the participants want it. There should be a way to form smaller groups or cohorts so there is a possibility of greater accountability and personal connection. Live video and similar are also available. So, if you are interested, please join by answering the questions on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidenceonlinebiblestudy

I have participated or trialed a few of these online study types. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses. I’ve tried to brain dump what I can, but I’m sure I’ve left something out. Tell us what you think below.

Have you tried online Bible study? What is the best part? What would you change?


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