‘Present’ - 2023 Word of the Year

Present. This is the Word of the Year that God ahs brought to mind for 2023. Last year was the first time that I chose a Word of the Year (WOTY); Trust was a leading part of that year. I know focusing on Trust helped me understand it and learn to Trust God more. I’m looking forward to learning more of what God wants to say about Present.

I’ll start with the basics this month: define the word, see what the Bible has to say as an introduction, and then see what I can do to keep present as a focus through the year. This word has a few definitions, so I am keen to see how God unfolds it, as a noun, verb, or adjective. Let’s start with the definition.

Define ‘Present’

Our trusty Webster (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/present) tells us that present is

‘something presented: gift’ as a noun definition.

‘to make a gift’, ‘to introduce’, ‘to aim, point or direct so as to face something in a particular direction’, or ‘to make a presentation’ as the verb.

‘now existing or in progress; being in view or at hand’ is the adjective definition. This includes the definition ‘attentive’.

So, we have a gift, to introduce or place something (including ‘give’), and the sense of closeness in time and location. I can easily see these being relevant to God, and may need to be sure to turn the lens on myself. I sense God pushing me to be in the here and now for things that perhaps do not have my attention.

Present in the Bible – Present

The English word Present is found approximately 140 times in the Bible, including its derivatives, presents, presented, presently, presents, presenting. The Hebrew and Greek generally agree with the rough translations that we have above from Webster. The Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance offers these translations (that I’ve simplified) in Hebrew: offering, gift, to place or set before, to be present or ready. It also states the Greek (also simplified) as to be near or present, to be at hand, to stand beside or before, the current time. There is also the Greek translation of ‘present’ as, ‘to be at home’ with the Lord, as found in 2 Corinthians 5:8.

Present in the Bible - Gift

If we consider the word Present as a gift(s), we find over 100 verses that use the word in singular or plural. According to my Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the word in English seems to come from a number of Greek and Hebrew words. The Hebrew roots area similar to the definitions for the noun above: give, reward, offering, bribe, bestow, donation. I was surprised to see the definition of ‘bribe’, but it is not so difficult to understand; it is something that works in English use of the word too. The Greek words that we derive ‘gift’ from include the ideas of sacrifice, gift, offering, divine gratuity – as deliverance or spiritual endowment (from Strong’s). The last definition will be interesting to dive into.

Present in the Bible – Now

I believe this definition will be more challenging to locate since it is more of a sense and has more ideas of time to indicate ‘now’ and even the word always or the lack of a time indicator still means ‘now’. If we take Matthew 1:23, Emmanuel means ‘God with us.’ This is intended and understood as ‘now’ and ‘always’. Consider also Galatians 5:25, ‘walk with the Spirit’ and we know he is here, now. Then we have Joshua 1:9, ‘…the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ We have Isaiah 41:10 as well. These are all verse that we cling to when we need to know that God is near in this moment, that he is present with us.

And then I am reminded that I feel God is also saying that I need to be present, with those around me, focused on the people and tasks ‘at hand’. I’m having difficulty finding verses on this. Perhaps 1 Peter 1:13 and 5:8’s alert and sober mind or Proverbs 4:25-26, ‘fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways,’ are pertinent. James 4:14 chastises us for considering tomorrow as a given, perhaps this will me stay in the present, ‘Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.’

Present for the Year 2023

I am certain that it will interesting to continue to understand more about Present through the year. I’m not sure I could find 6 books to read about ‘present’, so I won’t give a number to read, but will certainly seek out books on being present or maybe the presents of God.

When you think of Present, what verses come to mind? Share too your Word of the year or a resolution for the year.

my word of the year is present. What is yours?

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