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Experience Fellowship

I mentioned in the first post of the month that I have invited people to share their experiences in sickness and grief. Specifically, I asked people to share their journey with Christ in sickness and/or grief.

Fellowship and prayer in time of need

The following is response is from Ann Howley, who was blessed by community and fellowship as well as leaning on her personal relationship with God, through prayer. (Please see here for a general discussion of fellowship in sickness and grief.) Ann was an elementary teacher for many years and enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren in her retirement. She works out regularly, is an avid reader and never misses a Washington Capitals game. I sense her struggle and yet am also uplifted by her hope and peace. Thank you, Ann, for sharing your journey with us.

From Ann:

I view my faith journey as a river twisting and turning as it moves on with life. Sometimes it flows gently and other times it becomes turbulent and raging.  But in those moments of great despair, it has never stopped flowing or moving as it brought me closer to God.

Eight years ago, my loving husband of 45 years, started to show signs of dementia. Within the year he could no longer remain safely in our home.

Overwhelmed with securing good care for him and the financial concerns that came with that, I knew I couldn't do it alone. But how was I to handle this when the river turned so turbulent? Prayer. I turned all the turbulence over to God. 

Through prayer I found peace and realized that God loves me even with all my faults and shortcomings. He put my loving daughter and son close by my side. As I turned over my concerns, He led me to solutions and guided me as I turned to Him in quiet and sometimes tearful prayer. I just knew I couldn't do it alone. Longtime friends appeared at times when God knew I needed them. One of those friends invited me to join a fellowship group and my faith deepened even more. 

My husband passed away 4 years ago, and God was once again there for both of us. He brought peace to my husband. My daughter and I were able to be with him when God took him, assuring him that we loved him and that we knew he loved us. Through prayer and trusting in Him, the Lord has brought me great peace.

I wrote this a month after my husband had passed away.

            The new pain

            The tears now are different

            It's a strange feeling

            One that gnaws at me

            Strikes me at unsuspecting moments

            But Lord, my God, you are there with me

            I feel your hand on me

            Be quiet, all will be well

            Thank you, Lord