Alive Again Coming Soon!

Alive Again is coming soon! I wanted to give you some information about the book and invite you to join the Advance Reader-Reviewer Group. (group closed)

Alive Again: Forgiveness Heals Our Brokenness gets its name from Luke 15:24, ‘For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So they began to celebrate.’ The forgiveness, the welcome, the joy that I see in that statement really embodies the freedom that I hope for people who read this book.

I must admit that the book is not meant to just be read. There are questions to encourage self-reflection and prayer following each chapter and an invitation to take the book slowly and let the mind and heart digest it all. Readers are encouraged to dig into the Bible passages that are mentioned and do personal study on topics related to their own struggles.

By the time we reach adulthood, we are well acquainted with how hard forgiveness is. God’s forgiveness and love are the foundation of our relationship with him, through Christ’s blood, and we know that we should forgive others, even up to 77 times. But it is hard. The book concedes that forgiveness is challenging and uses scripture, anecdotes, and practical application to encourage us to let God’s power work healing through forgiveness.

The casualty of this difficult thing called forgiveness is often the abundant life that we are promised in Christ. By looking at the forgiveness that God offers us and then what biblical forgiveness is, we begin to see through new eyes the forgiveness issues of our past that need to be addressed. Alive Again guides readers to    

·      Understanding how unforgiveness binds us and impacts our relationships while forgiveness leads to abundant life.

·      Empowerment with tools in Christ, scripture, grace, and the Holy Spirit to heal our brokenness, including journaling and independent Bible study pages.

·      Uproot hidden hurts and offenses that control our behaviors, including bitterness.

·      Capture lingering memories and pain and submitting them to scripture.

·      Methodically address ongoing relationships that simply don’t change and biblical examples of reconciliation, as well as times when the Bible does not recommend reconciliation.

As part of the launch, planned for mid/late July, you are invited to join the advance reader team. This means that you get a FREE e-version of the book to read. I ask that you offer an honest review on your favorite book site when the book goes live. If you would also post about the book on the social media accounts and blog that would be greatly appreciated.

Reviews on book sites, especially on Amazon, help boost the likelihood of a book appearing in searches. I strongly encourage you to take a moment to support your favorite authors in this manner. Even a short ‘This was a great book’ helps the book’s visibility. If you’d like to join this advance group, please join the specific sign up (group closed).

The Alive Again Course Bundle is now available! Leave past hurts behind and move forward. Sign up today.

forgiveness is hard. Don't walk it alone.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13: 2-8, 18-23


Prophecy Fulfilled - Mark Chapters 13-16